Treasury Direct

I finally set up a Treasury Direct account for purchasing I Bonds and the like for a little more diversity in our savings. As an apocalyptically pessimistic person, this doesn’t quite qualify as “SHTF” stash, but it’s closer to that end of the spectrum than our stocks and mutual funds. Heh. [And I’m always a little nervous when I start wondering under what circumstances I wouldn’t be able to access, or would have delay accessing our Emigrant Direct funds. Or our regular neighborhood brick and mortar bank, for that matter. Or these I Bonds.] I do feel strongly that I need to have some sort of plan in place for an economy-in-the-tank, extended-unemployment situation.

I’m not going to be investing much to start with, 50 dollars a month moved automagically over. But it’s a start while I get used to it.

Published in: on March 3, 2006 at 3:11 pm  Comments (2)  

Home Again, Home Again

Audrey and I are back home from our nearly month long vacation visiting my folks up in Minnesota. She got to play in snow and make her first snowman! [Also, her first igloo.] Very exciting for her since we almost never have snow in Texas.

I spent more money up there than I usually do at home — but, these days, I spend very little money at home, so that’s not too big of a surprise. I’m enjoying getting back in the swing of things here.

Published in: on March 3, 2006 at 10:06 am  Leave a Comment