Treasury Direct

I finally set up a Treasury Direct account for purchasing I Bonds and the like for a little more diversity in our savings. As an apocalyptically pessimistic person, this doesn’t quite qualify as “SHTF” stash, but it’s closer to that end of the spectrum than our stocks and mutual funds. Heh. [And I’m always a little nervous when I start wondering under what circumstances I wouldn’t be able to access, or would have delay accessing our Emigrant Direct funds. Or our regular neighborhood brick and mortar bank, for that matter. Or these I Bonds.] I do feel strongly that I need to have some sort of plan in place for an economy-in-the-tank, extended-unemployment situation.

I’m not going to be investing much to start with, 50 dollars a month moved automagically over. But it’s a start while I get used to it.

Published in: on March 3, 2006 at 3:11 pm  Comments (2)  

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  1. What are I-Bonds and SHTF?

  2. No te pasa nada porque no te toca, no es tu destino. Si estu00e1 escrito, su00f3lo espu00e9ralo, o como dice Rubu00e9n Blades, si naciste para martillo del cielo te caeru00e1n los clavos. Gente como esa hay en todas partes, con todo y su carga negativa! Un beso Lady! Click

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